Lodo de esgoto granulado

identificação bacteriana


  • Rosana Filomena Vazoller CETESB
  • Célia Maria Rech CETESB
  • Maria da Glória Figueiredo CETESB
  • Luis Antonio Giaj-Levra CETESB


Species of non-methanogenic bacteria were isolated and identified in granular sludge from UASB reactors, treating domestic sewage: Butyrivi"brio fibrisolvens, Clostridium sp, Desulfovibrio desu!furicans. These species are related to the hydrolitic and ac~togenic phases and with the sulphate ion reduction in anaerobic digestion. It was also noticed bacteria similar to Desulfotomaculum. Two genus of methanogenic bacteria were isolated: Methanobacterium sp and Methanotrix sp. The granular sludge presented specific methanogenic activity values of about 0.15g COD-CH/gVSS.d1, with spherical (diameter about 4mm), resistant and dark granules.


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Author Biographies

Rosana Filomena Vazoller, CETESB

Bióloga da Cetesb

Célia Maria Rech, CETESB

Bióloga da Cetesb

Maria da Glória Figueiredo, CETESB

Bióloga da Cetesb

Luis Antonio Giaj-Levra, CETESB

Biólogo da Cetesb



How to Cite

VAZOLLER, R. F.; RECH, C. M.; FIGUEIREDO, M. da G.; GIAJ-LEVRA, L. A. Lodo de esgoto granulado: identificação bacteriana. Revista Ambiente, São Paulo, v. 4, n. 1, p. 22–25, 1990. Disponível em: https://revista.cetesb.sp.gov.br/revista/article/view/85. Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.


