O uso do licenciamento como recurso gerencial


  • Francisco Guilherme de Almeida Salgado Secretaria Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo
  • Marcelo Palhares CETESB


Environmental impact assessment and licencing activities with potential environmental degradation constitutes legal requirements of the Federal Act of the Environment National Policy (law nr. 6.938/81). ln arder to face the licencing process with the phases of planning, installing (or construction) and operation of an entrepreneurship, the official bureau of environment has to handle with a strategy for environmental management. This paper presents a strategy as a proposal to be discussed. lt's based upon the existing licences in the current legislation (LP, LI and LO) and develop its applicàtion in 5 distíncts phases. This proposal is embed in the practical experience of the authors on EIA (Evaluation and Environmental Licencing Process).


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Author Biographies

Francisco Guilherme de Almeida Salgado, Secretaria Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo

Arquiteto, especialista técnico em Meio Ambiente, CESP - Departamento de Meio Ambiente -1978 -1989, SMA/DAIA -1989 até o momento

Marcelo Palhares, CETESB

Arquiteto, especialista técnico em Meio Ambiente, SMA/DAIA -1987 -1992, atualmente na CETESB -Diretoria de Controle (Regional de Campinas)



How to Cite

SALGADO, F. G. de A.; PALHARES, M. O uso do licenciamento como recurso gerencial . Revista Ambiente, São Paulo, v. 7, n. 1, p. 29–33, 1993. Disponível em: https://revista.cetesb.sp.gov.br/revista/article/view/143. Acesso em: 4 jan. 2025.


